Monday, February 4, 2013

My Happy Place: New Sewing Room

Last march, my future husband and I bought a house in an area I have always wanted to live: Webster Groves. The house was newer than I like to look at, but as much as I love old houses, I hate paying for their upkeep. This place was a happy medium.

It has two bedrooms, which we used for us and my son, Eben. Eben ultimately wound up moving back up to Cape Cod for a couple of years. (Reminder to self: Amber, this is a crafty not spiral into the "I really miss my kid" posts. Don't do it.)

Me and my spawn

While Eben was here, my sewing room wound up in the (mostly) finished basement. There's a little room off the main part of the basement, next to the bar and the pool table, that I cleaned up and painted and made the best of.

Eben was squawking that he wanted that room, and I can understand that...I was a 13 year old once, too. Dark, quiet...lots of privacy, and wonderful distance away from the parent's room. Even has small windows perfect for sneaking friends in and you out. But as the basement was mostly the Man Cave for my fiance, I thought it best to keep my son's oh-so-innocent ears away from the manly sounds that sometimes happen down there.

As it turned out, I didn't use the sewing room that much while it was down there. It was cold, for one thing, and I am really chill-phobic. Secondly, I hated it for all the reasons that Eben loved it. It was dark and removed from everything else in the house. And I'm lazier than I thought I was because I just didn't feel like heading downstairs every time I felt an artistic urge.

So once it became apparent that Eben's visit to the Cape was going to be of the more extended variety, I decided to swap his room and my sewing room. It bothered me that his bedroom was just sitting their like a museum room that needed dusting. So, after gathering my energy and Jamie's, we made the switch.

I. Love. It. Lotsa, lotsa. For the first time in my sewing life, I have room for everything to be out and accessible. I even have two lovely windows that seem to be filled with birds. It's nice and toasty, both of my sewing machines are set up and ready at all times, and I have plenty of space for my design wall. I spend way too much time in here now, even when I'm not working on anything. It just makes me feel good to be here. And when Eben visits, he gets the dark-teenager-angst room he was wanting, so we both win.

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