Monday, February 4, 2013

Self Portrait: "Copperhead"

And finally, I am caught up. We're at the point where we are out of the past and into the present. This is a piece, roughly 7x10", that I call "Copperhead." It is a self-portrait, but it is based off of a picture taken when I was about 25. Some people are saying I still look like this, and I love them for their bald-faced lies.

Again, thread outlines, pencils for the main color and paint on the background. I highlighted the hair with metallic copper thread after coloring with the pencils, but the quilting on the background (the spirals and loopdey-loops) were done prior to painting. If I could do it over again, I think I'd do the quilting post-painting as the definition kind of got lost. I wound up highlighting it a little bit with some colored pencils, but I'm not sure I like the results. Oh well. It is what it is.

Now I'm to the point where I need to come up with a background, or frame, fabric. I was thinking about the stuff shown below.

I wasn't originally going to go with purple, but I just happened to set it down on some fabric I was ironing and I kind of like it. I'll get back to you when it's done. And now that the blog is up to date, I have no excuse for keeping the sewing machine off. Ciao, babies!

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